2 Earplug Earrings for $50

3 Earplug Earrings for $70

4 Earplug Earrings for $80

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Do Not Invite - T-Shirt Rave Day

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The Crystal Collection

This one is for the crystal girlies. Protect your inner peace and... 

Midnight Moon Earrings Rave Day

A Little About Me

Hi friends! My name is Rachel. You probably met me at a rave or have seen my page @Rachelsraveday.

The story behind my business is rooted in friendship, innovation, and a passion for solving everyday problems with style. It all began with a gift for a dear friend who adored accessorizing with jewelry, particularly earrings, and always wore earplugs to raves to protect her ears. As we frequented shows together, I noticed the constant struggle of misplacing, dropping, or forgetting to retrieve her earplugs from her bag. That's when inspiration struck – why not create earplug earrings that not only solve this issue but also double as a fashionable accessory?


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